
Why should I....
Thursday, Mar. 13, 2003, 8:03 A.M.

Yay, it's payday! The best time of the month! Hopefully this one will be large enough to give me some extra money, though...because I'd like to get a couple goodies :-) Adam's job training starts today, he got a job at a market research company. I'm so happy for him. I'm also happy because this will give us lots of fun money that we can spend however we want, heh heh. Well maybe not lots, but some, and that's good enough.

I made it so that only people on my buddy list on AIM can talk to me, because lately I've been getting harassed by people who are anti-fat and I really don't have time to be harassed. This one person even messaged me and said "You know God dosen't like fat people, it's in the bible." And I'd really rather not get into tons of arguments, so I made it so that only people on my list can contact me. I don't understand why people feel the need to harass other people. This person was so ignorant, yet was basically telling me God wouldn't like me? God dosen't like people who judge others, and people who hate other people for no reason. This person made a judgement on me, and thought that the reason I am fat is because I eat all day long. They said "you're consuming the world's food that could be used to feed hungry children". How does this person know what I eat every day? Some people think it's wrong to be proud of my body. Well, I'd rather be proud of it than be depressed every day and cry all the time. It's a lot easier to fix something when you're happy than when you're depressed. People like this may try to bring me down, but they won't. This is a prime example of how parents and the media get through to people and tell them how horrible it is to be overweight, and how we are lower than them just because we carry a few extra pounds.

Why should we eat a salad in public just because everyone expects us to get a steak or the buffet? Why should we wear baggy and dark clothing just because people will condemn us for flaunting our bodies? Why should we starve ourselves and make ourselves slaves to the media?

I'll tell ya one thing. I get the buffet. And I enjoy it, and I don't eat the whole thing (contrary to what this person thinks). But I don't care what people think.

Why should I? They obviously don't care to hear my opinion.

That was just a morning rant because I am so sick of people messaging me and telling me that I'm a horrible person, just for being a fat girl.

I'll be back to my good old self tomorrow, don't worry :-)


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