
Just stuff
Friday, Jul. 18, 2003, 8:43 P.M.

Today I took Shauna and her nephew to Chucky Cheese. He had so much fun. It was so cool. I had so much fun. We got like $50 worth of tokens and played games for tickets to get toys for him that were worth like a dollar a piece. But that's okay. It was fun playing all the games. I kept playing this one game for tickets, and I told Shauna never to take me to Vegas because I'd be a gambling addict. I know I would, because I was addicted to this, and this was for little tickets. I'm sure if it were for money, I'd have kept going and going. So I'm going to be safe and stay away from Casinos for the rest of my life.

Later on Adam and I went to Wal-Mart to grocery shop instead of where we usually go. Now I'm not trying to be one of those annoying people on TV that are like "I wake up and go to Wal-Mart!" or "I buy everything at Wal-Mart!" but Adam and I spent what we usually spend at the other place and got TONS more. I think that's where we're going to grocery shop from now on. I didn't think that Adam would want to go there for groceries, but now he thinks that we should go there from now on. Hey, I'm a chunky girl and I gotta get the food that I want. I might as well get it cheap. Yes I did have to put up with tons of unnecessary rednecks but I'll deal. (I do not mean to generalize but if you were there, you would understand.)

I have to start spring cleaning pretty soon. Shauna is going to help me. It's going to be one hell of a task cleaning the kitchen, spare room, and upstairs. But look on the bright side, at least I'll be proud of myself for finally getting it done. People at work make fun of me because I'm "spring" cleaning in July. I'm not procrastinating too bad, considering it was April until my Christmas tree came down! Those losers, they probably didn't spring clean at all. I'm just kidding, they aren't losers. :-p

Adam is listening to Billy Joel again. I swear he's obsessed. He was talking to me in the car about some guy wanting him to go to LA to be a stand-up comedian. I didn't believe him at first but then he started getting convincing and I told him it was probably all a scam. Then he laughed and told me he made the whole thing up. Hahaha, only Adam could make that story so convincing that I would actually believe it.

There's a story in Weekly World News that's about a strip club near here. They offer drive-through lap dances. Yep, that's right folks! A hard-on faster than you can order a Big Mac.

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