
Movies, and Visit me, damnit!
Sunday, Jan. 26, 2003, 11:13 A.M.

I realized today that I want to expand my DVD collection, but I don't know what movies I want to own that I'm actually going to watch more than once. What a dilemma. So far, these are the movies that I own on DVD:

2.Office Space
3.Girl Interrupted
4. The Simpsons Seasons 1 and 2
5. Chasing Amy
6. The Wash
7. Almost Famous
8. Dogma
9. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
10. UHF
11. Dirty Dancing
12. Living with the Past (Jethro Tull music DVD)
13. Genesis The Way We Walk Live in Concert (music DVD)

Some of them are mine, some of them are Adam's, but basically I want to get more of them because when I'm bored I can just pop in a movie like we did last night. I think I want to get Pretty Woman on DVD because that's one of my favorite movies. Go figure. Prostitute turns into princess, what a movie. But I like it anyway, it's a good movie to cuddle up with someone and eat ice cream with. And I'm proud of the movies that I have so far. You can tell that Adam and I are big fans of Kevin Smith.

Skot (see gay ex boyfriend that lived with us for a while) is coming over today. After he moved back home he didn't come over for like a month and I e-mailed him and was like "come over ya big dork!" and he came over for an hour. Geez. Is it that boring at my house?? Then he didn't come over for another month. I e-mailed him again and was like "You best come see me before I start stalking you and sending you chain letters." So he's coming over today. And it better be for more than an hour, that's all I have to say. He has a room full of books upstairs. The boy moves all of his stuff in, including 400 books, and moves out but dosen't take any of his stuff! Yeah, I didn't understand it either. So he better come today or I'm going to have one hell of a yard sale.

Just kidding.

I'm not that horrible of a person. It's just that I wish that I could get people to visit me without begging them. Okay I have food here! I'm a fat girl who is proud of her body. I got italian pasta, soup, cheese, pop tarts, french vanilla coffee creamer, lemonade, and red wine! This is good stuff, people! Adam has lots of video games to play, and we got movies. I don't need alcohol to have a good time. Hey I can party just as hard as the next person with Pop Tarts and Nintendo. Heh heh. There are actually people that come visit us that as soon as they get in the door they get on the computer! I thought they were here to visit me, but they were here to pay their respects to my hard drive :-( Oh boy. I wish I had a CD burner built into my forehead for when company comes over so I'd at least get to look at the person.

My friend Jenn came up yesterday and I thought that she wanted to visit for a while, but she wanted to borrow $20. She had company stay over the night before, and they stole her $20 bill. She did however stay for a while and talked with us. She's cool though.

I'm gonna go now, I have to go clean some more. Yay! (can you feel the sarcasm flowing from the screen??)


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