
Fat Sellouts
Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2002, 11:46 A.M.

ATTENTION: What I am about to say sounds worse than it really is. Please don't think I am against weight loss. This is not what I am saying. I am trying to lose weight too, so I am not against it. What I'm about here is self-love, not self-loathing. Just keep reading until the entry is over, and you'll see what I mean. Thank you.

I am writing to you today about something important that affects our lives. Maybe not all of our lives, but I'm sure at one point or another, we've all been affected by this type of person. This person is called a fat sellout. This person is that fat person (or thin person who used to be fat) who makes fun of fat people. This person does not want to lose a little bit of weight for his or her health. He/she wants to lose a lot of weight and become stick-thin because of the beauty of thinness in society. This person is not proud of their body, personality characteristics range from complaining about how they are "so fat", how other people larger than them should "lose weight too", and how they "just want to be thin, because thin is beautiful". People who would rather risk their lives under the knife to get their stomach stapled than be 50 pounds overweight. Women who have been fat all of their lives teaching their daughters to be anorexic rather than teaching their daughters to love and be proud of their bodies. A fat sellout can also be a man too. Fat-sellout men generally are fat men who make fun of fat women, and think that it is socially accepted for a man to be fat. Fat people who write anti-fat articles and have a website dedicated to the praise of weight loss and stomach stapling are also fat sellouts.

I am not saying that every fat person who wants to be thin is a fat sellout. I'm saying that if you go to extremes or risk your life to be thin, you are a fat sellout. People who starve themselves obviously aren't losing weight for their health, or they would do it the healthy way. Believe me, if I could lose another 60 pounds, I'd be happy. But I'm not going to risk my life to do it. I hope you guys aren't offended by this entry at all, or take it the wrong way. I'm not angry at all fat people who lose weight. I'm angry at the ones that lose weight and then make fun of fat people. The ones that risk their lives to lose 50-75 pounds. The ones that teach their children hatred, rather than contentment and love.

That is what I am quite disappointed with.

Love your body. It's the only one you have. People want their children to grow up happy and not made fun of, yet teach the child to hate his/her body. It dosen't make any sense. Then there are people who are overweight, yet make fun of other people for being fat. Why do we hate each other, and when did it become so disgusting to be fat that people would risk their lives to be skinny? I can't believe it. In other parts of the world, fat women can go out and wear bikinis and short skirts and actually get praised for it (and even stalked sometimes). I just wish that in this country, instead of everyone being "fat" or "skinny" they would be called "person". Then maybe we wouldn't have so many sellouts, and we'd have more love towards our bodies, just like it was meant to be.


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