
Parking karma and The Look
Friday, Dec. 20, 2002, 9:32 P.M.

Friday night shopping sucks. I felt like a skittle in a bowl full of gumballs. Every place we went tonight was so crowded. I wanted to yell "Don't you people have lives?" but then I realized I'd be a hipocrite. First we went to Best Buy, and I got the best parking space. But you know the laws of parking state the following if you get a "great" parking space:

1. When you get in the store, you will not find what you're looking for.
2. When you approach the so-called great spot, there is more than likely a small car or a motorcycle in the space, tricking you.
3. There might be hinderances to the space, such as an idiot on either side who parks halfway in your space.

Anyway, we went into Old Navy to perhaps get myself some performance fleece, but they didn't have any cute pink or light blue fleece for girls, and there was an hour-long line, so we said "nuts to this!" and left. Oh, and there were tons of bad drivers out there. You'd think that if you put someone behind the wheel of a 2 ton piece of metal that they'd be a little more careful. But no...not these nutcases. I fantasized that I had a police light and I could pull them all over and smack them upside their heads.

Adam and I are going late-night grocery shopping tonight, heh heh. I'll be fine as long as there aren't any girls who are there with their boyfriends there who give me The Look.

The Look:see conceit. A look that a girl gives another girl that implies that you could never attract someone as attractive as her boyfriend.

Yes, I hate The Look. The girls that gave me The Look today had boyfriends I wouldn't touch with a car-lot yardstick. Gimme a break. Like he's going to suddenly be drawn into a trance by my chub and follow me home like a puppy dog. Come on, girls. If you're thin and have a boyfriend, he's not going to be attracted to me. He likes thin girls, that's why he's attracted to you. Not me. You. Repeat. Not me. You. Even if the girl was chubby, it's not like I would ever try to get with her boyfriend. First off, I have a boyfriend. Secondly, I'm not a homewrecking I look like one? I hope not, or I must have forgotten to put on my "I'm fat but somewhat attractive" clothes on today.

*looks at t-shirt*



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