
Phil Collins and Tupac?
Thursday, Nov. 14, 2002, 12:11 A.M.

I talked to Caitlin yesterday and we were talking about funny things to yell out during sex. I thought I might do an experiment and put it on here, but I guess I can't since Adam reads my diary and he'd find out and react differently when I yell out crazy stuff. Bummer. Hahaha, it was so funny. Wouldn't it be so funny to start barking or something during sex and see what your partner says? Exactly. I want to read a study of people's reactions to this stuff. See, I really do have too much time on my hands. Somebody do the damn study already! Ugh does this mean that I should go back to work? Too bad. I'm off for another day. Yessss! In other news, Robin is sending me pants in the mail. She rocks! She lost a lot of weight too, but she was about my size before she started losing weight. So I am all excited about these clothes coming in the mail, because it just so happens that I need pants because the pants I had before I lost weight don't fit anymore, they fall down. And that could lead to much unneeded embarassment, if you know what I mean. Heh. I don't need any frat boy jokes to go "So I was standing in Sheetz and this fat girl's pants fell down! Ha ha!" No. That would be a BAD thing. A very, very bad thing. I'd rather keep my pants on, thanks. Well, at least in public. Ha ha.

I really don't have much to write about today. Adam and I took a ride to Monroeville today and I got the new Saliva CD and I listened to it on the way home and it rocks so hard. I love it, love it, love it. Adam is all excited because I finally found a whole CD that I like, rather than only liking one or two songs. Yeppers. We also got the Blueprint 2 album by Jay-Z and Adam got the new Phil Collins album and he got Tupac's greatest hits. Only Adam would want to buy Phil Collins and Tupac. That boy has a very wide scope of music taste. I guess that's one of the things I love about him. Tee hee! Anyway, it was a very good day. We came home and ordered pizza, and I got broccoli on mine. I know a lot of you are like "broccoli?!?!" but yeah, I love broccoli. I guess I'm just a big dork. I just got done doing 4 loads of laundry, so I'm still steaming from kicking the sock monster's ass.

I'm lying. I couldn't find him.

Anyway, I'm glad I have another day off, but I'm not going to want to go back. Little vacations are nice, but they make you wish you didn't work. So I really don't need that. But yeah, I'm not complaining because I really do get to take advantage of the talk show/soap opera/vegging on the couch situation. And if any chance any anti-fat people are reading this, I don't always veg out on the couch. Only on my days off, and I deserve it for running around like a chicken with it's head cut off (nice visual, huh?) at work.

Thanksgiving is coming up. Yes, it's that time of year again. The time of year that I have to drag Adam to my house to sit at a big table with my interrogating family. The time of year that I have to eat with everyone looking over my shoulder watching what I eat, making sure I don't eat the wrong thing (even though I'm 22 and I can make my own decisions). The time of year that my Uncle Rick starts getting extra bitchy and starts telling me how I'm such a spoiled jerk just for being closer to my grandparents than his kids.

Maybe I should skip this year's festivities.

I have been skipping so many family things because of my Uncle. I just want to put purple food coloring in his body wash or something. I don't know if that would work, but I think it would be incredibly funny if it would, seeing this purple man at Thanksgiving. Heh. I'd laugh so hard I wouldn't be able to be online for a couple days because I'd still be on the floor laughing. Yep. It would be THAT funny. I just think he shouldn't point fingers at me or I'll point one back at him...and I could care less what he thinks anymore. He told my grandparents that my mom was mentally slow. Let me tell you, that pisses me off so bad. My mother is severely depressed because she got fired from a job she had for 30 years. Then the jolly mean giant decides to call her retarded. That dosen't fly with me, bitch. I don't like it when people make fun of my mother. She dosen't deserve that at all. Especially from people who act like they like her so much. Ha ha, my mother said that when he tries to talk to her at thanksgiving, she's going to be like "duh, I can't talk to you, i'm too slow" Heh heh. It might be worth going to turkey day just to see that.

Then again....maybe not.


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