
Play Doh Food and Freezing Chairs
Sunday, Jan. 19, 2003, 3:49 P.M.

I just got home from my grandma's house, she seems to be more comfortable since I gave her a pain pill and then I decided that I should just come home since she was sleeping. I kissed her goodbye and left, decided to come home and get more sleep since I have to work again tonight.

I think about the strangest things at work. Last night I must have been delerious because I kept thinking about how much I wanted to build a chair with Play-Doh. I was seriously coming up with a design for it, and thinking about what colors I would put in it. I don't know if it would hold or anything, it was so interesting to me at the time. I must have been reallllly tired. I slept for an hour and it took Eunice a half an hour to wake me up. I don't know why I was so tired. So I better get lots of sleep today so I'm not dragging at work tonight. Bust out the Play-Doh and keep me occupied! I can't buy any of those Play-Doh bakery or pizza creator things because I always end up getting them confused with real food and eating them. No joke. And it's not tasty at all. I wish I would learn my lesson. It's not real food, beth. It's a children's clay toy that happens to be looking like pizza and doughnuts. Hell I can't eat real doughnuts because I'm diabetic, so I might as well eat a Play-Doh one that looks like a doughnut. Oh geez, that didn't come out right at all.

This roll of film is taking me forever to use up. I want to get it on a CD so that I can put more pictures on here, but it's taking me forever. I want someone to come over and take a picture of me and Adam, but we don't get much company. But soon enough, I'll have pictures on here that are much better than the ones that I have on here now. Soon, hopefully. I wanted to take some pictures of people at work, but then I'd have to get permission from the families and get them to sign release forms, etc. so I nixed that idea. None of my co-workers will let me take pictures of them, because they are all tired at night and are wearing scrubs. So that's not a good idea to go snap-happy on them, hahaha even though it would be fun to get some candid shots....I would probably get my ass thrown outside. Eunice kept making me go outside last night so that I would wake up. Every time I would go outside I would wake up because it was like 5 degrees. Then I would (like a dumbass) sit on the metal chair outside and freeze my ass. I swear if I would have had any skin showing, it would have stuck to the chair. Call the fire department! Beth's ass is stuck to the chair outside! Hahahaha, yeah. That would be funny as hell.


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