
Adam's Job - Rebuttal
Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002, 1:13 P.M.

This is my 300th entry. So I was planning on writing a big thing about how much my life has evolved since I wrote my first diaryland entry, but I'm not going to do that. You all know I've changed a great deal. Instead, I'm going to touch on another subject that I hardly ever talk about.

Someone signed my guestbook recently and posted the following message:

"Not to be mean, but doesn't it bother you that Adam doesn't work? I mean the fucking guy sits at home all day and then you spend all your frigging money on him. There's something wrong with that. Even if it's just flipping hamburgers, he should go out and do SOMETHING, so he could start to contribute to the household also. Why should you use your hard earned money to support his lazy ass? Please, don't be mad at me, I'm just voicing my opinion. I read his journal also, and it seems like in every entry, he is talking about different things that you buy for him every day, and not once does he speak of getting a job and helping to pull his weight. This is not how a relationship is supposed to work! Just my 2 cents."

I am going to respond to this message through this entry. I'm not going to be rude or mean, that's not how I am. Instead I am going to explain my situation in hopes of clarifying this person's qualms and maybe anyone else out there who happens to feel the same way, who knows.

Yes, I work a lot. I work almost every day. I love my job, it is very stressful and hard, but I love it. No, Adam dosen't have a job. However he does NOT "sit on his lazy ass" all day. He pretty much waits on me hand and foot whenever I'm home from work, doing whatever he can to make me more comfortable. He helps me cook, he cleans when I'm at work, he does the laundry, he gives me backrubs. Rest assured, he does pull his weight around here. He dosen't have to work to pull his weight. He does so many other things that mean more to me than him having a job. When we first moved in, Adam worked and I stayed home for about 4 months. I don't care if he dosen't have a job right now. I am supportive enough that if he finds something that suits him, good. I'm sure he's going to be great at whatever he chooses to do in life, but I'm not going to pressure him to find something or get a "job flipping burgers" because I know how I'd feel if I were in that situation. He does so much for me, more than you'd ever know because I'm around him when I'm not at work. I'm sure if you're completely set in your ways you probably think this is all bullshit. You're entitled to your opinion, but I am telling you right now, Adam works harder around here and with helping me take care of my grandparents than he'd ever work at any other place. So I can very well tell you that he, in addition to being a very great boyfriend, is a very hard worker. And he dosen't have to have a typical job for him to prove that to me.


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