
It's been so long!
Thursday, Apr. 24, 2003, 7:20 A.M.

Wow. It's been a long time since I last updated. I really apologize, but I haven't had anything to write about, plus it's been really hard having my grandma in a nursing home, and I've been trying to deal with that. It's even harder when she's in the nursing home that I work at. They take good care of her, though, so I can't complain. It's just really hard seeing her in there, and she's losing weight. She went from 180 down to 135. She's so small now. They're trying to get her to eat more.

I am going to change the subject now because I don't want to be depressed for the rest of the day. Today I get my paycheck, and I'm going to go buy one of those Papasean chairs from Pier 1 Imports. I can't wait. We were so sick of our couch and I didn't know whether to buy two of these chairs or just buy a new couch. So I decided on buying one of these chairs with this paycheck and one with the next paycheck. That way they'll be easier to move around the living room and such. And they are sooooo comfortable. Shauna and I went to try on bridal gowns yesterday, and went to the mall. Last night, when Adam got home, we got engaged. Hahaha, it just happened all of a sudden too. He said he didn't want a big engagement ceremony. I told him there is no ceremony, you just ask and you're engaged. So he said "well go ahead and ask me" and I said "Will you marry me?" and he said "No." I laughed and said "you asshole!" and I asked him again and he said yes. I'm so happy that I have him. He's so wonderful.

Well I am going to go, and hopefully my next entry will be more interesting.


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