
Super Pants and 110 Pound Fat Girls
Friday, Jan. 03, 2003, 1:26 P.M.

Well, I was going to write an entry yesterday but I didn't really have anything exciting to write about. Not that I have anything fun to write about today, either. But I at least thought I would update. Not much has been going on except work. I'm off this weekend, so that's something to look forward to. I work tonight, but I'm off saturday and sunday. Yesss!

This woman I work with was driving me nuts because she's like 110 pounds and she kept saying she was fat, and that she had a "fat butt" and she had to "quit eating junk food". Grrrr. Okay, rub it in some more. This makes me slightly irritated because HELLO! you weigh 110 pounds. You obviously don't need to lose any weight. If the woman lost any more weight, she'd be a skeleton. She is an awesome person, but I wish she'd realize that she's NOT FAT! Don't ya just hate it when people who are obviously very thin say stuff like that? It makes me wanna twitch. *Twitch*

I'm wearing the most comfortable pants in the world right now. I got them at Value City, they're BUM Equipment pants, they're like sweatpants only they have wide legs and the lining is soooo soft. I was so excited when I found 'em, they were only $12. I can't imagine myself without these pants now. All of my other pants are jealous, and planning to go on strike. Fine with me. I don't need their rough textures and tightness against my skin. Now that I have these super pants, I'll be lucky if I wear any of my other pants ever again.

Well, I am going to go for now. Adam has to get a hair cut and I dunno what else I have planned yet. I'll write more later.


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