
Little Rambling Update
Monday, Mar. 10, 2003, 7:18 A.M.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I haven't really had anything interesting to report other than work, and I don't want to talk about work because I just got out of there and I don't want to re-live it. So let's just leave it at the fact that I think a nuthouse would be more sane than the place I work at. That's about all.

I wish I'd just hurry up and win the freakin lottery already. There is so much stuff that I want but I can't have because it's too damn expensive. Plus there's a lot that I want to do but can't because of lack of the chubby girl channel that I want to run. I'm so tired right now because I just got out of work, so don't mind me if I ramble a bit. Today is one of those days that I want to throw snowballs at people. Ugh. Double ugh.

I got new scrub tops for work but they are tight on me because I got big hips and a big ass. I don't mind being chunky but I wish I could lose about 30 pounds off of my stomach and hips. These last few pounds are the hardest to lose. My goal weight is 220, then I don't want to lose any more. I want to be 220 and stay at 220. Because chubby is the life for me. I just wish when they put "2X" as the size, it would actually be a 2X instead of a XL in disguise. I should have tried 'em on in the store. Eh, I'll wear them anyway. I'll eventually lose these extra 30 pounds and they will fit really good.

I'm rambling again.

I was thinking last night of how I am going to spring clean this place. It's going to take some major effort on my part, and I don't know if I want to dish out that much effort to something thats only going to last a couple weeks. I swear we've cleaned the spare room 4 times and every time, a couple weeks later, it's messy again. *Sigh* I need a maid. Another reason to win the lottery. Either a maid or a chore monkey. I'd like a monkey who is trained to do chores. That would make things very interesting around here. Hmmmmm I wonder how much a chore monkey would cost.

Well I am going to bed, because I'm really tired and I gotta work tonight again.


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