
Why AOL is the tool of the devil
Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003, 6:55 P.M.

Yuck, I am starting to get a nasty cold again. Guess that's what happens when one day it's 80 and the next day it's 40. Blech. I wish I could call off work tonight, but I can't. Technically I could, but I wouldn't want to miss the drama thats going to unfold at work tonight at 5 AM. One of the prissy day shift girls is coming in at 5 to help us. The only problem with this is that I know her, and I don't think she's going to help. She's one of the reasons that I don't get along with many girls. She's very catty. She is very nice to your face, then when you turn around, she bitches about you. I hate people like that. There is even a girl on 3-11 that actually brags about stealing other girl's boyfriends. It makes me quite steamed. She even stole her best friend's boyfriend. She's married, but she's sleeping with the neighbor and 5 out of 7 guys who are brothers across the street. It's like she's living the Jerry Springer fairy tale.

No comment. I just stand there and smile, and vow never to let her ever come near my boyfriend.

I got another dumb America Online CD today. 7 years ago, I had an AOL subscription. I cancelled it, after arguing with the guy on the phone for an hour and a half. Since then, they've been sending me about 8 AOL disks/cd's a week since then. You'd think they'd stop wasting the environment and get the point that I am not interested in their stupid service. But noooo...they think that if they pester me enough and send me a landfill's worth of CD's with millions of free hours on them, I'll eventually give in. They must be crazy. Like I'd want to deal with them after they almost didn't let me father had to get on the phone and scream at him, telling him that he was harassing me into keeping the service and we wanted it cancelled "NOW!" so they had to.

Oh boy. Everything on TV is about war. No TV for me tonight.

For right now I think I am going to forget about what is going on in the world for now and just go upstairs and cuddle with my sweetheart. That's what makes me most happy.

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