
I am sooooo democrat
Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003, 8:42 A.M.

DISCLAIMER: The following contains parts that are hugely democrat. This is my opinion, and I apologize if any of this offends anyone, I am just annoyed and feel the need to express my opinion.

I am so sick of the media trying to scare us into thinking that this is going to be a huge war and we're all going to die. They made a big deal about how you're supposed to buy duct tape and plastic sheeting, and how you're supposed to protect yourself from biochemical agents. Now they're making a big deal about this 48 hours thing, and they have a countdown clock on CNBC and Headline News. They make everyone pissed off by telling us, "oops there go the gas prices again" and it costs me $21.00 to get a full tank in my Monte Carlo, that's what it used to cost me to fill my Explorer. Yeah it pisses me off, because I'd like to be able to get gas and a soda for less than $20.00. I'm pissed off because our president isn't trying to run just the country he is president of. He's trying to run other countries, and he's concerned for not just us, but a country that is full of people who HATE our country. He isn't going to change their minds. He might free them, but that won't change all of their minds. I'm not all pro-american either. I live here, I'm glad I can do basically whatever I want, but I'm not going to go around all proud and invincible, because we're not invincible. The only way I would brag about us being invincible is if the U.S. had a big dome over it that would sheild it from every single weapon known to man. That's the only way I would ever brag about us being "invincible." Until then, we're vulnerable. The president claims that he "will protect us" but can he really? Would he really jump on a grenade if it meant protecting this country? Don't bet your gas tanks on that one.

I guess I'm just steamed about war. There have to be other ways he could do this other than spending $20 billion on a war. We know it is going to cost that much because not only will he be paying for health care and food for our troops, but he will be paying for the health care and food for their troops. Gotta keep 'em healthy so they can give us a good fight.

I'm sooooo democrat.

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