
Don't a/s/l me!
Monday, Nov. 15, 2004, 3:45 P.M.

I wonder what goes through people's heads. These guys message me on yahoo and most of the time they just want sex, and around 60% of the time, they are married. That has to be something, dating someone who's married. I would never even think about doing it, because if you think about it, you're getting cheated on too, because he goes home to her, and tells her he loves her. I think that if people would just be honest with each other, there would be a lot less drama in the world. The superficiality of the whole thing makes me sick. If you want to be treated better, ask your partner for better treatment. If he/she won't give it to you, then tell them it's over. Don't find someone else while you're still with that person! I think cheating is the most disgusting, degrading, most horrible thing you can do. Anyway, on Dr. Phil today there was this guy who was married to his wife for 10 years, and was sending e-mails to his high school girlfriend and talking to her online. The wife was angry, because she was concerned that a relationship would ensue. Dr. Phil told him that it was not right for him to not let his wife see the e-mails, because she has a right to see them. He also told the wife to go with him when he goes to meet her, and that that it wasn't fair for the husband to say that this girl was "A love that comes along once in a lifetime." I mean, I'd be mad too! That is a horrible thing to say about someone to their wife. Anyway, I agree with most things that Dr. Phil and Robin told him. I think that he really shouldn't be communicating with her, but if he insists on doing it, she shouldn't be kept in the dark about all the communication that is going on.
Anyway, back to the people that message me. Most of these guys are from 40-50 years old. Hello, people! What makes you think that I want to date someone twice my age!!?! That's like dating my father. Yuck! I see old people penises at work, I don't need to see them on my boyfriend. Ewww. Also, they say a/s/l when it's clearly on my profile. Don't a/s/l me, it makes me feel like I'm 14 and a pedophile is trying to talk to me. Yucky.
Also, a lot of these guys message me and really don't have any idea what I look like from the shoulders down because all I have is a face photo on my profile. I should really put a full body shot on there sometime. What I should do is put a picture of me with my stomach all exposed and have something underneath the picture like, "If you can handle this, you're my man." I bet most people wouldn't be able to handle such large amounts of woman. Heh heh.
I work with Linda tonight. I always have so much fun working with her because we joke around so much and pick on each other. To the unpartisan viewer, we'd almost look like enemies, but we laugh when we insult each other. Adam dosen't understand how friends joke around like that, but that's just the way we are at work. I love working with her and Kristina. I always have such fun at work. It's good to be friends with who you work with.
Well I have to go study for a damn anatomy test. Wish me luck.


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