
We have boobage!
Sunday, May. 04, 2003, 6:52 P.M.

Hmmm. I haven't updated in a long time. That seems to be the trend on this diary lately. I'll try to change that. I can't promise, because I am a hell of a procrastinator! Anyway, I'm updating that's good.

I was soooo bored today. I had nothing to do. I tried watching TV this morning but all I could find was infomercials and repeats of "Real World and Road Rules: Battle of the Sexes". I got all frustrated and decided that I should take a nap and hope that when I awoke, there would be some decent programming on. There wasn't, so I just watched MTV re-runs. Then I spazzed on Adam because I got a harsh case of cabin fever, so we took a drive. I wish I could've gotten a hold of Shauna, we coulda went walking or something. She got to go yard sale-ing. I wish I could go to a bunch of yard sales, but Adam probably wouldn't like that kind of thing.

Geez, I'm getting really boring in my old age. Heh heh.

I'd tell you guys what I got Adam for his birthday (May 10th) but he reads this and he'd find out. Let's just say he's going to freak out when he gets it, and he'll be very very happy. He knows 2 out of the 3 things he's getting. The first two are the Godfather DVD set, and the Sopranos 3rd season. The 3rd thing he has no idea what it is, just that I got it off of e-bay. It is scheduled to arrive in the mail on the 8th.

Anyway, I went out with Adam today in this tank top that was slightly too small, and I looked like a very large uncooked chicken in it. I was too embarassed to get out of the car to get gas because I thought my boobs were going to pop out of it or something, hahaha. But then I finally wanted a newspaper, so I decided to go into the gas station and be proud of the fact that I'm chubby and I have big boobs. Nobody said anything, but I had 3 people trying to scope a peek at my boobies. Damn tank top!

Okay, I'm going nuts, so I'm going to end this entry so I can watch the newest simpsons episode. I'll update more later.


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