
Girly Screams and Boobs
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2003, 12:26 P.M.

I am bored so I think I'll write an entry. I just cashed in all my change for Big Macs for me and Adam (how fat of But you know, when ya got a craving go for it. Heck, I deserve it. Yeeeeeahhh! Go bethy, go bethy! Anyway, I got Super Bust A Move 2 for Playstation2 today in the mail that I ordered from Best Buy, so I kept myself pretty occupied for a while, and I'm enjoying these days off, it kicks ass. I have been pret-ty happy lately. Adam and I were joking around trying to wrestle each other in the living room today and I chased after him and he screamed like a girl, it was hilarious. I started imitating it and he thought that was pretty funny. I'm glad I have a boyfriend who dosen't get mad when I imitate him. I get paid tomorrow (yessss!) and I think we're going grocery shopping because I'll be off at night and we go at night so that we don't have to deal with tons of people and kids. I like grocery shopping late at night because it's so much more relaxed and I can actually look at the products without having to squeeze through tons of people.

I think that if I were a little kid again today, I would go to McDonalds playground and ride the slide and play in the balls. That was so much fun when I was little. Maybe that's why I like balls so much now. Who knows.

I realized the other day that bras are the root of all evil. My bra was itching me so bad at work, then I took it off when I got home and I had all kinds of horrible lines and crap around my boobs. Maybe I should buy a new bra tomorrow when I get my paycheck. I should have said boobs are the root of all evil. That would have made more sense. I don't have a bra on today and my boobs are hurting me because they are resting on my stomach and causing me to be in pain. Does anyone else have this problem when they don't wear a bra? I can just see the horrified look of a couple people that are reading this entry. Boobs? Pain? Stomach? Oh geez. Bear with me people, I have nothing better to do than write about these things. I should be going now.

Tonight I'm making seasoned pork chops, applesauce, and au gratin potatoes. Anyone wanna come over and have dinner?

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