
Mashed Potatoes and Knife Demos
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2003, 7:22 A.M.

Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a while, geez it's been a long time. And sadly I have no news to report, other than having three days off in a row now (yesss!) and being able to relax finally.

I just got home from work, and I thought I would just sit back and write an entry so that everyone wouldn't think that I disappeared off the face of the earth. I have just been busy with work and with worrying about my grandma. The only news I have to report really is that I got yelled at at work because I'm "too nice", after I let one of my patients pretty much kick my ass. Well I wasn't going to fight back and I wasn't going to let her fall down, so I took the hits. I'm a caring person, what can I say.

I saw an old friend last night as I was picking up a MTO (hoagie) for work. It was my ex-roommate's mom. She's really nice, and we talked for a while. I like her, she's so cool. I'm glad I ran into her.

Adam said the funniest thing the other day. I like mashed potatoes, and Adam thinks it's really cute when I eat them. Who knows. Anyway, he told me that for my next birthday, he's going to get me a kiddie pool filled with mashed potatoes. Okay. Let's break it down now. He wants to put me (the fat girl) in the food (mashed potatoes). This was the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. I thought to myself (of course) "Well at least I have someone who wants to see me naked and likes to see me eat". Hmmm......yeah.

In other news of my Frank Zappa-loving cute boyfriend, he has been getting lots more sleep and is less grumpy. Yay! I know that I wanted him to start getting more sleep because he was getting all mean and I don't like it when people are mean to me because I cry. (You can tell I'm tired because I can hardly type, or form correct phrases). Anyway, he's happy and I'm happy and we're all happy.

My friend Shauna came over last night and gave us a demo on these knives that she's selling. We were so impressed that we bought a small set (oooooh they were expensive!) but I thought hey, they have a lifetime guarantee and I'll hardly ever have to sharpen them, so what the heck. It was fun because she's such a kick-ass person, and I missed talking to her. So that was fun. We got to cut a rope and cut a penny (which isn't illegal, cutting any money other than pennies is illegal), and I tried one of the knives on my grapefruit. Heh heh. Nothing slices through a grapefruit like a really good knife.

That's my cue to go to bed.

Or to eat some mashed potatoes.


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