
A butt's width away
Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2002, 5:09 P.M.

So yeah, tomorrow is the day where I wake up from work and go to my grandparents house for the annual turkey day festivities. Good thing Adam is coming with me...reluctantly, but he's coming with me. I wouldn't go by myself, and the only reason I'm going is to eat turkey and mashed potatoes. It certainly isn't to see my extended family, that's for sure. Let's recap last year's festivities. My uncle complained the whole time about my eyebrow ring, my cousin's kids made me spin in circles until I almost puked, my blood sugar was 260, and my mom kept trying to steal the bottle of wine. Yep, as interesting as that was, I kept trying to get out of it. I don't really care for family functions. I really don't like family functions when everyone is looking at what I eat, watching to make sure that I don't eat the wrong thing. For heaven's sake, people, I'm 22 years old....I can feed myself.

I just got back from having winter tires put on my car. I wish I lived in a state where there were no such things as winter tires. It's cold and dark outside already, and it's only 5:15. Ugh. Makes me want to call off of work and cuddle under the covers. Actually it makes me want to quit work, but let's just say I won't....yet. They cut my hours down so bad that my schedule mocks a full time one, but then you see all the days off and are like "ooooh that sucks!" I wish I had a decent full time job where everyone wasn't insane and didn't put me on the back burner all the time. Nuts to these people. I actually was thinking of going into work with short shorts and a tank top and being like "This is all I had to wear!" and they'd send me home and I would be able to relax. Only then I realized I'd probably get fired. So maybe that isn't such a good idea. Hell, short shorts on me aren't a good idea, but that never stops me. Just kidding. I don't own short shorts. But if I did, I would still bitch at people for making fun of me.

Anyway like I said, I just got home from getting winter tires put on my car. I waited there for what it seemed like forever. This woman and her daughter were there and this woman was so obnoxious. She starts asking me where I live and who owns the car lot beside the tire place. Then her daughter starts telling her that she found a job she could have while she goes to college next fall. Her mother starts telling her "We have enough freakin money! You don't need a job!" Sheesh. My parents told me that and I was like "fuckin a! yesss!" well this girl was all insistent on working and her mother was trying to get her not to work. *Sigh* I felt so bad for the girl. Her mother was so hyper and obnoxious. Geez. Then this guy with a "United Football" sweatshirt came in. I went to United but I didn't know this guy, he probably graduated way after me, like within the past 2 years or so. Either that or he still goes to high school, who knows. Anyway, the girl and her mother were sitting on the one bench, and I was sitting on the other bench. There was at least 4 feet of room to the side of me on the bench. Enough for 2 skinny butts or one big butt like mine. This guy had a skinny butt. That means he could have sat on the bench and have been at least one butt's width away from me. But no. I'm a fat girl, and ya can't just go sitting by the fat girl. What the hell would I have done? Robbed him for money to go by candy in the vending machine? He decided to sit on a tiny stool that was in the midst of a shitload of tires. Then he proceeded to look at each tire, like he was some sort of tire critic. Then this indian guy came in talking about "blah blah blah my car is messed up a great deal and I heard a loud boom and the car is shifting!" and by that time I wanted to leave so bad because it seemed like I was waiting all day. So needless to say I am greatufl that I am back here, warm and comfortable...with no strange people walking around and talking to me, and with no stupid high school boys with fat-phobias. Ugh. What a day.

I'm going to go check on my ham and cheese casserole in the oven...yay! After all, Adam dosen't care if I got a big butt, because he always sits right beside me. We don't need any butts between us....because I got all the butt he needs. :-)


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