
Got my tax refund check....the only day of the year that I like the government
Monday, Mar. 17, 2003, 3:24 P.M.

Yesss! Today I got my income tax return check. Heh heh. I am so excited. Even though it's only $247, I am so happy that I got the damn thing. My first urge was to go out and spend it all on one thing, but I won't do that...luckily I have self control...

Self control sucks.

Anyway, I wanted to do cartwheels in the living room this afternoon when I woke up and got the mail, because my check was in there and so was my latest copy of Rolling Stone. How much better can this day get? Oh yeah. I'm off tonight and tomorrow night. Hell yeah!! This is the best day I've had in a long time. I think I'll just sit back and relax for a while until Adam comes home from work. Maybe I'll make him something good for when he comes home. I love him so much and I'm so proud of him for finding a job he can tolerate.

Adam used to tell me these horror stories about working in a grocery store, and let me tell you, I never want to be a cashier at a grocery store. These people used to scream at him for the errors of the cash register and the store errors, and the poor boy would go home twitching because these people were so ignorant to him. Poor Adam. And then he'd have to walk a mile and a half home in the dark because his parents always refused to pick him up from work, so he'd have to walk home in the snow and in the rain. I'm glad he dosen't have that problem now.

I'm sitting here in sweatpants and a t-shirt that says "Roadkill Cafe" on it, and I have my glasses on and my hair is a mess. Sexy, sexy, lemme tell ya. That's okay, I went to the bank with my mom to get my refund check cashed and I looked like I just rolled out of bed and staggered into the bank.

Well, pretty much.....

Well I am going to go, I'll update more tomorrow hopefully.


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