
Mad props to Hollywood
Monday, Nov. 25, 2002, 6:56 P.M.

Today is a very happy day for me. First, I'm going back to work, I don't know if that's happy, but one of the things that makes it happy is that a fat pride movie is coming out. Hooray! Yesss! I knew that I would be rewarded for my persistence one of these days. Heh heh. Anyway, there is a movie coming out called "Real Women Have Curves"....the movie trailer is here. I hope that all of you go to see it, I think it's going to be a good movie. My ex called me today and was like "There's a fat girl movie coming out! Ohmygosh!" and we had a gay guy-fag hag moment. Heh heh, I wouldn't call myself a faghag if he actually minded, but he dosen't mind. He likes it, actually. So there ya go. Anyway, we were all excited about this movie, and I told Adam about it and he wants to go see it too, so we're all going to go see this movie whenever it comes out. I can't wait. Finally they make a fat-positive movie. One that shows that fat people aren't lazy. Geez, it's taken the entertainment industry how long to realize this? I'm sure it'll take a lot longer for them to fully realize that big can equal beautiful, but eh, it's a step in the right direction. I'm glad someone finally took the initiative and came up with such a good idea. I couldn't be happier. I'm going to be beaming about this for a couple weeks. There better not be any ignorant people in the theater when I go see it. I don't think anyone would pay $6 to go make fun of a movie though. Oh wait. There better not be any ignorant people in the theater when I go see it. (haha) Don't make me bust out the fat suit.

Speaking of fat, did anyone see the Dave Letterman show when Richard Simmons was on and apparently Richard got Dave in a headlock and Dave turned the fire hydrant on him? OH god I wish I would have seen this! I was watching the Dave Letterman show and he showed a clip of it, but I didn't get the full jist of it. So many questions remain unanswered. Why did Richard put Dave in a headlock? Why was Richard in a turkey costume? Why did Dave turn the fire hydrant on Richard? Why a fire hydrant? Were they seriously swearing at each other? Were they really mad? I really want a tape of this particular episode. I can't live a full happy life until I see this tape. Ugh, I'm just kidding. I'd just like to see it, that's all. Either that, or I want my questions answered. Actually, it would be nice to be able to watch Richard Simmons in a turkey costume and be able to pause it and rewind it. Yes, that would be nice. Heh heh. You can tell I'm easily amused. Give me Richard Simmons in a turkey suit and I'm content for a couple days. Actually I wouldn't be able to do anything else because I'd probably laugh my ass off... maybe that's why people lose weight excercising to him. (Thinks to self) Maybe I should get a Richard Simmons tape... Perhaps.

Anyway, like I said, I'm going back to work tonight. I just called one of the girls that I work with and I asked her who I was working with and I'm working with my friend Alicia. But I'm not going to get my hopes up yet. I really hope I'm working with Alicia because she kicks ass. The only other person I'd be working with is a total bitch. Not the one that I called, but the one that has been filling in for me while I was sick. I might be generalizing because she seemed mean when I worked 3-11 with her. She just seems really ignorant. I was orienting on 3-11 shift and she looked at me and exclaimed loudly "Who's orienting HER?" I was thinking, "I have a fucking name, bitch!" Ooooh I wish I could have yelled that at her. But no, I kept my cool and went outside and pacified myself with nicotene. Now we see why I can't quit smoking. It keeps me from yelling at people. Hahaha. Okay I'm sure that wasn't as funny to all the non-smokers out there than it was to all the smokers. But eh, that's okay. I'm just happy to see all of my patients again. OH, and I'm really happy to be making money again. That's a plus.

Today when I was insanely bored and had nothing to do while Adam and I were making dinner, I turned on the TV and started watching Maury Povich. They had 8, 9, and 10 year olds on there who smoke and drink and steal. There was this little kid on there going "Fuck you, bitch!" to his mother. Oh cripes. If I ever would have told my mother that when I was little, I would have had a fucked up face for the rest of my life, because I know she wouldn't have put up with that shit. Adam was all concerned that these kids didn't have video games and that's why they were acting out and violent. The one kid said he did shit like this because he was bored and Adam said "See, he dosen't have video games! That's why he's bad!" but the one kid on there we saw he had an X-Box. So I just think that one was spoiled and he always got his way, so whenever it didn't go his way, he beat the shit out of well, everything. Damn kids. I think that they should seirously put parents through classes these days. I know there's a lot of good parents out there who don't need to take classes, but seriously, most of them need classes. They need to learn how to say no to their kids, and how to dicipline them. Oh, and how to actually raise them and not just let the TV babysit them. Alright, enough ranting. I didn't even mean to go on a rant. I'm done now. I'll write more tomorrow.


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