
Why they have warnings on prescription bottles
Saturday, Jan. 11, 2003, 10:57 A.M.

I was such an idiot yesterday. And that's Idiot with a capital "I".

Right on the side of my Glucophage prescription bottle, it states, in all capital letters, "DO NOT CONSUME ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHILE ON THIS MEDICATION." What do I do yesterday? Yep. You guessed it. I consumed an alcoholic beverage.

Adam and I had a fight yesterday. He's been really tired lately, and I thought that maybe he had a health problem. You know, because if you're really sleepy all of a sudden, your body is trying to tell you something. He thinks it's because his sleep schedule is all fucked up. I now think that is what it is. But yesterday I didn't. I was all worried because I thought it was a serious health problem. He didn't listen to me and slept for a long time yesterday, and I was all upset about it. Anyway, we had a fight and I called my mom because she always makes me feel better. She said she had money for me at her house, Christmas money from my grandparents in Johnstown. So I drove to her house to get the money (because I know I can't refuse free money!) and got there and insisted that I have a shot of vodka. She told me, "Alcohol will not solve your problems, and plus you aren't allowed alcohol with your medicine!" I proceeded to tell her that unless she let me have a shot of vodka, I was going to go to the bar and get a shot anyway. So she gave me a bottle of clear alcohol and I didn't even look at the label.

It was not vodka.

It was Bacardi, Puerto Rican rum.

I don't know if the night would have been any better had I not had a shot of that and had indeed had a shot of Vodka. But needless to say, I had a shitty night....literally. I threw up all night long from one shot of Bacardi. I thought I was going to die. I had the works. Messed up bowels, dry heaves, throwing up everything I tried to keep down....and as a result, my blood sugar dropped to like 50. And I stopped wondering why it says on the bottle not to drink alcohol.

I'm NEVER drinking again.

A note to my readers: if I ever try to consume a beverage with any sort of liquor in it, please drive/fly/walk to my house and smack me really hard upside the head, because I am obviously an idiot who can't read the warnings on my medicine.

I work tonight, good thing I'm not still throwing up or I wouldn't be able to go to work. I'm better now, in fact I just ate a burger and I feel fine. Good thing, because if I call off again at work, I'm going to get written up. So I'd have to have a doctor's excuse if I called off. I can just see the conversation between me and my doctor, trying to get a doctors excuse for ignoring the label on the prescription bottle. Yeah, like he'd give me a doctor's excuse for stupidity. If I could get doctor's excuses for stupidity, I'd never go to work.

Hardy har har.

And I had halloucinations last night. I had a 2 hour nightmare that was interrupted by my need to hug the toilet. It continued itself after I went back to sleep. Damn subconcious. It was all sci-fi and horrible, and I hope I never have a nightmare like that again.

I also hope I never find myself in front of a Bacardi bottle ever again either.

*Kicks self*

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