
damn Penn Dot slackers
Thursday, Dec. 05, 2002, 9:43 A.M.

Geez, would it please stop snowing so I can go get my paycheck.

It snowed so much last night. I can't hardly see my car in the parking lot. The road is covered in like 2 inches of snow. Fuckers. I live on a main street, why don't they plow that shit? The damn truck went by and all they did was salt it. They didn't plow it. I'd like to go ring their necks because I need my damn paycheck. Grrrrrrrr. I've been so angry lately and I don't know why. Probably PMS. Ugh. Yikes.

The moral of this story is that I wish I lived in Hawaii.

Yes, Hawaii. Blue skies, sunny days, crystal clear ocean, sandy beaches....ahhhhhh that's the life. *screech* Back to reality. I doubt that will be happening anytime soon, so I'll have to pretend I'm in Hawaii. This might be slightly difficult, and require a little halloucination. I'm sure I can do it though, I have a interesting imagination. When I was little I used to have like 5 imaginary friends. My mom thought I was schitzophrenic, lol. Later on, though, I gave up on the imaginary friends thing. Either I realized I didn't like anybody real or fake, or I just gave up. I think it was the fact that I hated having that many people to talk to at once.

I think that I would be much happier about the snow being outside if I had a sled that I could ride down to my car and a snowsuit. I should have prepared for this a long time ago. I would sledride everywhere. Well, everywhere that was downhill. But that would mean a lot of unnecessary hill climbing and you know how hot those snowsuits get? It's like a portable sauna.

Anyway, like I said, I've been really bitchy lately. Bitchy and clumsy. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never had the bitchy-clumsy combination. I must be really frazzled. I had a doctor's appointment today but I overslept, and I called them when I woke up and the secretary rescheduled it because she said the roads are really bad. Yeah that's comforting, considering I have to go up a big fucking back road to go get my paycheck.

Damn Penn-Dot and their non-plowing asses.



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