
What a day, What a day
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2003, 5:09 P.M.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had such a sucky day today. If there were ever a day in my life that I just wanted to shoot everyone with a paintball gun, today would be that day. Last night, I got called into work because one of the people on night shift called off because the roads were horrible. I went down to start my car and guess what, I had no dash lights. None of the lights in the dash were lit up. So I drove to work with no dashboard lights, just guessing what the speed limit was. Fun, fun. Nevertheless, I had my stereo turned way up and the window down, just jamming. It didn't phase me at all really. It did piss me off, and I hoped I didn't get pulled over because I would have been like "I HAVE to get to WORK so PLEASE just let me get there!!" Anyway, today I took it to the mechanic and he checked the fuses and it's not the fuses. So he wants me to leave it there overnight tomorrow night. I borrowed my mom's car for tonight and tomorrow night and got back here to my apartment and alas, my house key is on my key ring... with my car... at my parents house. Adam and I had to call the landlord to get him to open the apartment for us. This one guy, Joe, tried to pick the lock in front. Just picture these two people trying to pick a lock out in plain daylight. I can just imagine what people were thinking. So we finally got in here, and I'm fine now. I'm off tonight, so thank heavens. I don't want to go anywhere. Adam is going to call my dad to tell him to check the dimmer switch. DUH! Let me tell you, if I went to all of this trouble and it was just the damn dimmer switch that was down, I am going to feel so dumb. What a fiasco.

Yesterday was good though...I went shopping at Fashion Bug and I got 4 pairs of jeans for $ one, get one for a penny! Yesss! That was some goooood shopping. Plus I got a matching bra and underwear set! It's sooooo sexy. Heh heh.

Anyhoo, I got my digital camera...I'll get more of us on here soon, but for now I'll just leave you with this silly picture of Adam. Enjoy.


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